Dog Health

Knowing the main diseases and health problems that our dog may have, will help us identify the symptoms in the event that it suffers from them and carry out early treatment with the help of your veterinaryn. Thus preventing your illness or problem from being more serious. Here you will find many informative articles where you can see everything related to the health and care of a dog.

But remember, in case of illness, it should always be your vet who makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment, since each dog is different.

How often does a dog bathe

We all know that we must wash our dog from time to time to keep it clean and free of parasites, but what we often do not know is how often a dog should be bathed, something that varies depending on its type of hair and characteristics. From Dogsis we are going to explain what …

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I think for sterilized dogs

There is a great inequality of opinion regarding weight gain in dogs that have been sterilized, both inside and outside the veterinary and nutritionist world. Many claim that their dogs started to gain weight after being spayed or neutered. Perhaps that is the reason why specific low-fat feeds have been created for sterilized dogs, to …

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Pollen allergy symptoms in dogs

As with humans, dogs can also suffer from different types of allergies and some of them are capable of causing serious damage. Today we are going to focus on pollen allergy because it is one of the most common, erroneously defined as a stationary allergy because it is mainly symptomatic in spring. From Dogsis we …

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