Dog Health

Knowing the main diseases and health problems that our dog may have, will help us identify the symptoms in the event that it suffers from them and carry out early treatment with the help of your veterinaryn. Thus preventing your illness or problem from being more serious. Here you will find many informative articles where you can see everything related to the health and care of a dog.

But remember, in case of illness, it should always be your vet who makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment, since each dog is different.

Properties of spirulina in dogs

Spirulina or Spirulina is a single-celled organism corresponding to the species Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima, a type of blue-green algae that contains incredible nutritional and medicinal qualities for both humans and animals. We will explain what Spirulina is and what it is for, what are the medicinal and nutritional properties that it can bring …

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Dog Insurance Are They Worth It?

Those of us who are fortunate enough to share our life with a dog also have at our disposal two types of insurance for dogs, compulsory liability insurance for PPPs (potentially dangerous dogs) and veterinary assistance insurance, known as health insurance for dogs. But despite having both options in a large number of insurance companies, …

Dog Insurance Are They Worth It? Read More »