Dog Education

Guides and tips on different dog training techniques based on positive reinforcement. Information to educate and socialize your dog correctly, prevent it from biting, make it come to your call or sit or lie down at your command.Teaching your dog to relieve himself in one place or start the education of your puppy will be a lot. easier if you get help. In addition, you can leave us your doubts in the comments so that we can solve them.

Tips to avoid Cancer in dogs

Many people claim that algae extract, cassava or different exotic plants have miraculous properties in preventing cancer in dogs. However, they are only urban legends without any scientific basis, so whether we put them into practice or not, our dog will have the same chances of suffering from this disease. There are good tips to …

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Guide to breeds of prey dogs

Since dogs were bred and selected based on their qualities to carry out different tasks, there are prey dogs. In ancient times they were used as surveillance and defense dogs, in addition to hunting dogs. However, nowadays they have also become companion dogs, showing their friendliest and most affectionate facets but maintaining their vigilance and …

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